Loz Moore Photography

Socca World Cup 2019

Loz MooreComment

Last October I was engaged by the International Socca Federation (ISF) to go to Crete to cover the 2019 6-a-side World Cup; it was an even bigger occasion than the previous year when we went to Lisbon. Here are a few photos that hopefully show how exciting the whole event was. Really sorry that this year's has had to be postponed.


Loz MooreComment

Its not everyday you see a Heron flying over your house

Nice compliment on Twitter

Loz Moore

Myself and another photographer, Paul, have been flown over to Crete to take photos at the 6 aside Socca World Cup. Each day we are shooting matches and other stuff going on around the stadium, including the VIPs ‘Big’ Ron Atkinson and Mark Clattenburg. We then make these photos available to be used by the International Socca Federation and the teams. I captured one of the goals of the tournament scored by Wales yesterday and received this compliment on Twitter.


Socca world cup 2019

Loz Moore

Excited to have been engaged to travel to Crete to photograph this year’s 6 aside World Cup in Rethymno. The Stadium is in the process of being built ready for the first match on 12th October.

The International Socca Federation have shared my sunrise photos today on their social media as part of the build up. 32 countries will be there along with ‘Big’ Ron Atkinson to provide expert comments.


Kerrie and Matts Wedding

Loz MooreComment

I was invited along to Kerrie and Matts wedding as a guest but offered to also shoot a little video while I was there. Dennis was also invited so also got into the action.

As I was there as a guest I wanted to keep it simple so shot it mostly handheld using the small Panasonic Lumix GX80 (GX85 in the US). This little camera offers great stabilisation particularly when used with a stabilised lens such as the Panasonic 12-35mm f2.8 which I used for most of the day, switching to the 7-14mm f4 I think during the reception etc.  The 7-14mm isn't stabilised but as it's wide angle its less important; using the 12-35 you effectively get 5 axis stabilisation. Any slightly shaky shots that you are left with can then be smoothed out using Warp stabiliser in Adobe Premiere Pro.

I was quite lucky with Dennis's shots as when I sent him around the back of the venue Kerrie just happened to be on the balcony having photos taken and gave him a wave!

The December wedding was made complete with the lovely snowfall the day before.

Here's the final result



Its Dennis's fault

Loz MooreComment

Its been a while since I last posted and its all Dennis's fault.

Dennis is my Mavic Pro Drone which I bought in July.

Since then he has travelled all over with me; Greece, Lake District, Cornwall etc.

He has flown over land, sea, lakes, canals and fire.

I have put a separate page on the website to link to videos and photos that Dennis is proud of.

He is quite addictive to use so I have neglected some of my other cameras and definitely the website. I will do better !

Coventry Motofest 2017

Loz MooreComment

I didn't have much time to visit Motofest this year, but when I did I was really chuffed to find that they had used one of my 2016 photos in this year's guide - right in the middle!

Anyway here is a couple of this year's photos from my brief visit

it was great to also see Sam from the 'Seen Through Glass car vlog on Youtube

Miles Bagshaw Band

Loz Moore1 Comment

A keyboard player I know, Miles Bagshaw, asked me to video his Dissertation Gig at the Robin 2 club in Bilston. His theme was Modern Keyboardists and his band was made up of fellow music students. The standard of musicianship was extremely high as you can judge for yourself here. Watch out for these guys in the future!

Ideal Holiday Camera Bag?

Loz Moore1 Comment

When on holiday, particularly abroad, I want to be able to carry my cameras without it being obvious and a target for an opportunist thief. 

Three years ago when on holiday in Jamaica I bought a 'Bob Marley' bag to carry everyday stuff you need on holiday, including a small camera etc, 

I found out that I could fit the inner part of my Billingham Hadley Pro in my 'Bob' bag which gives the necessary protection to the cameras in it without advertising what you are carrying.



Perfect !