Loz Moore Photography

The Drapers Bar and Kitchen

Loz MooreComment

A couple of weekends ago I called in at the Drapers to video my step daughter, Lizzy, singing with Simon Davies, currently in Tom Jones team on The Voice, and Glen Boden.

It was a chance for me to try out a new camera, a Panasonic G80/G85. It is similar to the GX80/GX85 which I bought just before Christmas, both having great stabilisation, particularly when used with  Panasonic lenses with inbuilt stabilisation. The G80 has the benefit of a mic input so I plugged my Rode Stereo mic in on the night to hopefully improve the sound quality.

The acoustics in The Drapers are terrible and the audience were also chatting away quite a lot which also comes over on the videos - there was little I could do about that though, unfortunately.

Micro Four Thirds cameras like the Panasonics are not the greatest when used in low light conditions but I was reasonably happy with the results.

While I was there one of the Drapers' staff, Sam, asked if I could take some photos for their website. I did say that  I would have brought another camera (Nikon D750) if I had known about that but would see what I could do.

Again I was fairly happy with the results; Sam loved them and put them straight on the homepage.