Loz Moore Photography

Full Frame - no zoom required

Loz MooreComment

My favourite walk around, out and about camera is my Sony RX1R which I think is the smallest full frame camera on the market, although now its in its Mk ii form.

I was able to pick mine up on eBay, second hand, back in December 2015 at 'the right price'.

It has a beautiful 35mm F2 Carl Zeiss lens, which being a fixed focal length means that there is no zoom.

However because of the gorgeous Sony full frame sensor and the resolution that affords you, cropping your images in post production effectively gives you the ability to 'zoom in' afterwards.

Here's a good example of this from a trip to the Cotswolds yesterday.

The 'before' shot, straight out of the camera

and then after cropping, or 'zooming in'

After quite a heavy crop, the resolution and detail is still great.

Who needs a zoom?!