Loz Moore Photography

Holy Trinity

Loz MooreComment

It might sound as though Nikon camera users are religious when they refer to the 'Holy Trinity'.

Well I guess it is a religion in a way but what they are referring to is the Holy Trinity of professional Nikon Lenses, the 14-24 mm f2.8, 24-70 mm f2.8 and the 70-200 mm f2.8.

Well, last week, I finally pulled the trigger on the latest version of the 24-70mm f2.8 which is slightly bigger and longer than its predecessor, not to mention more expensive, but more importantly for me, as often shooting in low light, it now has Nikon's VR system.

VR stands for vibration reduction and allows you to shoot at much lower shutter speeds by minimising camera shake or vibration, which is more likely to be noticed the longer a cameras shutter is open.

Slower shutter speeds allow more light in which is very useful when shooting bands in dark venues particularly when stage lighting isn't great.

Looking forward to putting this lens to the test very soon, possibly when I shoot the next event in Coventry Cathedral in November.