Loz Moore Photography

Dennis comes out of retirement

Loz MooreComment

I bought my first drone at the beginning of 2017 and named him Dennis. It was very addictive using him, as a drone gives you a unique viewpoint. It was great fun takng both video and still photos and I would think of places to go each weekend to use him.

I also took him with me when I went on holiday. He has visited Vietnam, Spain and Greece.

Then over time I used him less often, only bringing him out when people asked me to for specific reasons such as checking the rooves of a building etc.

Partly the reason for using him less was because the rules surrounding drones were getting tighter and tighter as a response to people misusing them around airports, for example, which generally gave them a bad press with members of the public and the authorities.

There have been a couple of times in the last couple of years when I’ve gone on holiday and wished I had him with me so this year when we decided to visit a small quiet island in Greece I decided to bring him out of retirement, and I’m glad I did.

Here are some photos that I took early this morning when the air was very still. I’m happy to say that the old guy worked perfectly even though he is now 4 1/2 years old and has been surpassed by many newer models.